Saturday, January 12, 2013

Follow Up To: "Pray For Revival? Really?"

One of my Facebook friends posted this comment on my note titled, “Pray For Revival? Really?”…

"Let's assume for one minute that all churches held 'spritual revivals' and that all believers' spiritual needs were met and all faith and hope were increased by 1000 percent. Without acts of charity the believers are only halfway there."

Here is my response to the comment:

Thanks for your comment on my post. It gives me an opportunity to attempt to provide some additional clarification of what I’m trying to communicate. 

I agree with you that the acts of charity are important, especially when it comes to transforming the culture in a significant way.  However, I believe that if people genuinely come to Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit the correct behaviors will follow.  In other words, I believe a real conversion to Christ is the “root issue.”  In fact, I’m assuming that if many hearts are truly transformed by an encounter with Christ that kind of large-scale transformation will result in the good, right, generous, loving, gracious, peaceful, honest, kind, responsible, noble, charitable, God-honoring, correct behaviors and attitudes, we all would like to see.  I’m not suggesting that things would then become perfect—we still live in a fallen world—but this type of spiritual awakening should make a difference. 

I would even go as far as saying that if this type of authentic, widespread movement toward Christ happened and it made no difference at all in our culture, that would be strong evidence that Christianity is not true. 

Obviously, I’m not saying that Christianity is not true.  I fully believe that Christianity is true.  I hope that is obvious from my life and from what I’ve written.  But I believe that it really should matter.  I believe, based on the Bible, that it really should make a significant difference in how we live our lives.  That’s why I believe it is the root issue.  I guess what I’m saying is that if a true, large-scale movement of people coming to faith in Christ does not make a difference then something is fundamentally wrong with my understanding of Christianity and what it is.

…Again, to those who are reading this, do not misunderstand what I’m saying and what I believe:  I believe the Christian faith is true!  I believe that Jesus is who He claims to be.  I believe that an authentic spiritual awakening will make a real, positive, difference.  That’s why I’ve written this post in the first place, that’s why I’m praying for revival.  That’s why I’m asking those who agree with me to pray for revival.

Love and blessings,


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