Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Great Privilege of Voting

Most of the people, in the history of the world, did not have the opportunity to cast a vote in order to determine who would be in the positions of governance over the land in which they lived.  The right to vote seems normal and rather unremarkable for many of us but, actually, it’s an unusual privilege.  I know our system of government is imperfect and it can be frustrating to some of us, but I am extremely thankful to live in a country that considers voting to be one of my rights as a citizen.  Being a citizen of the United States of America is one of the great undeserved blessings of my life.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to step out of the door of my office, walk about 40 yards to my left and cast my vote.  (When people ask me if I voted, I usually chuckle because I would have to be one of the laziest people in the state of Illinois to neglect the act of voting since my polling place is right here in the church where I work.)

P.S.:  Hey, I wonder… do you think the election judges would get ticked off if I asked them to just go ahead and bring one of the voting machines into my office for a few minutes while I voted?  Hmm, I better not push my luck, huh?

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