Thursday, May 20, 2010

E-Flash From Dan, 5/20/10, Eschatological Edition

Dear E-Flash Friends;

Finally!  I’ve finally found it.  This is shocking and surprising for me, but it’s cool!  I have finally come across a theologian—a legitimate, credible, genuinely credentialed Christian theologian—who admits that he does not know what the “right” position is, among the many different viewpoints, when it comes to End-Time matters, as described in the Bible.  This is rare!  (Like coming across a black swan, or a 51-year-old with completely white hair.)

It seems my usual experience is that when theologians write about the end times (also known as “eschatology”), they tend to present their own theological position as the one which is OBVIOUSLY the logical, unavoidably-correct, biblically-consistent viewpoint.

They seem to present their position with the sense of “Duh!  Anyone who approaches the subject in an honest way, with their eyes open—with an authentic love for Jesus—can see that this viewpoint (my viewpoint) is the correct one.”

That’s why this paragraph from theologian, Christopher J.H. Wright was so refreshing for me:

“Well, many of us, myself included, don’t claim to understand more than the tip of the iceberg about the end of the world.  And although there are many people who will confidently sell you a detailed timetable for how it will all unfold—complete with ‘End Times’ websites and video games to rehearse it and T-shirts to show you’re ready for it—the truth is that none of us can possibly understand all that God has in store for the universe he created and for this planet Earth in particular.” –Christopher J.H. Wright

Isn’t it nice to read such a humble, honest statement from a highly-educated person?

My friend, Gary, was asked one time, “What do you believe about the end times?”

He replied, “That they’re going to happen.”

That’s a pretty good answer, too.

I don’t mean to avoid a discussion about end times…..

Well…actually…come to think of it…the truth is that in this E-Flash, I DO mean to avoid a discussion about end times…except to say this:  #1) I agree with my friend, Gary, that the end times are going to happen; and #2) the way to be absolutely certain that you’re prepared for the end times is not to study more about the subject (although, there is certainly nothing wrong with that) rather, the way to be prepared is to walk closely with Jesus Christ and to live EVERY DAY for HIM!

That way, no matter how the end times actually unfold, you’ll be able to say, “Hey look, [referring to Jesus], all I can tell you is…I’m with Him!”

“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” [ Jesus ]  Matt. 24:44

Just trying to help you be prepared.  Hope you’re having a blessed week!


"Um, I don't know what to 
tell you, except...I'm with Him."

P.S.  A few people have asked me if the world is going to end in 2012.  I don’t know.  I doubt it.  But, IF…IF…IF… (do you notice these are large, capital “IF’s”?) …IF the world ends in 2012:  #1) It won’t be because the Mayan calendar predicted it.  That will only be a coincidence.  And #2) like I said before, be prepared.  Whether it’s 2012 or 2010 or 2099 (I’m guessing I’ll be gone by then.  Do you think?) or 5200 AD (we’ll all be gone by then), walk CLOSELY with Jesus.  (Remember, we want to be able to point to Jesus and say, “I’m with HIM!”)

P.P.S.  “Jesus and Zacchaeus”, this Sunday, May 23rd.  Be there.  Luke 19:1-10.  Totally awesome!  Invite someone.  And in the meantime…be prepared.

*NOTE:  If you would like to have the E-Flash From Dan sent directly to your e-mail, send a message to:
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