Monday, August 8, 2022

Always Faithful -- Terrific new book by Major Tom Schueman and Zainullah Zaki

When I pointed out Tom’s book on the shelf at Barnes and Noble, Rachel was so excited that she let out a scream and started crying. (Not sad crying. It was happy crying.) For Rachel, Tom ranks up there with the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. Actually, come to think of it, Tom’s probably a little higher on her list than those guys.

I said, “Shh, don’t do that. People are on high alert these days. They will think something terrible is happening.”

Tom is a man of faith, courage, intelligence, commitment and valor! He is a man of perseverance and an impressive amount of sheer grit. To say I am proud of him is an understatement.

I have read about a third of the book already. It is interesting and exciting! The story is like something from a movie, it is remarkable. But it’s not fiction, it’s true!

Congratulations Tom. Well done!


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