Friday, August 6, 2021

I'm only visiting this planet

For the follower of Jesus our primary allegiance and commitment is to God and God’s kingdom. We are citizens of God’s kingdom first.

And so it is interesting that Peter describes believers as “foreigners and exiles” in this world. (1 Peter 2:11)

Theologian, William Barclay, writes that the Greek words for “foreigners” and “exiles” used in the passage “describe someone who is only temporarily resident in a place and whose home is somewhere else.” Commenting on the 1 Peter 2:11 passage, Barclay also writes, “Christians are not permanent residents upon earth; they are on the way to the country which is beyond.” [God’s kingdom.]

With this passage of scripture in mind, an influential early Christian rock artist, a man named Larry Norman, titled one of his albums: “Only Visiting This Planet.” One of my friends in college played this album a lot on a device we called a “record player.” (The record player sat right next to the lava lamp which I stared at wistfully while wearing my platform shoes.)

Sometimes when this world seems to be even more chaotic, difficult, hurtful, crazy, evil, and far-from-God than usual, I remember that I’m only here temporarily. (I know, my “temporary” status—much like the record player and platform shoes—is very good news to some people.)

Hey believers? We are “only visiting this planet.” Our eternal home is with the Lord.


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