Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Off to the ER we go...!

[This post was originally written on Saturday, May 8, 2021.]

 Yesterday, Friday, during a late morning walk, I began to experience most of the classic symptoms of a heart attack. I had pain in the jaw, chest pains, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness, and almost no desire for Taco Bell. (I know... that last symptom is very scary.)

So, my loving, rock steady wife quickly drove me to the ER, stopping only for 3 errands on the way. (Just kidding, it was non-stop.)
There was a long day in the ER yesterday during which I witnessed the sad, the strange, the amusing, the puzzling, and the sobering side of the ER experience.
Today, Saturday, I find myself in a hospital room awaiting an angiogram procedure which will not be able to happen until Monday. Thankfully, all the tests, so far, have revealed that I have not sustained any damage to my heart. Although there is some sad speculation that my ninja activities may have to be dialed back to only 7 or 8 tournament fights per month.
Seriously, I am feeling fine and my condition is good.
I greatly appreciate your love and concern. Your support is a tremendous gift. I am a blessed man. If you are a person of prayer, I humbly request your prayer regarding the procedure on Monday. (Actually, even if you're not a person of prayer, I wouldn't mind if you made a rare exception and prayed this time.)
The angiogram will reveal what happened on Friday and provide the necessary information to help determine what should be done going forward.
Whatever we discover, please know that I …"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 136:1

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