Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Surprising Source of Dignity And Value

I occasionally talk with people who seek a sense of human value; approval as a person; and even personal dignity from certain people in their lives on whom they depend. In other words, they are seeking these very meaningful and profound assurances of significance from other people.

Ironically the people who seek these assurances of significance from other persons are often not respected by the very people from whom they seek this affirmation.

This happens because the people from whom they seek this type of affirmation inherently understand—even if they do not articulate it this way—they cannot be the source of something as significant as human value; approval as a person; and personal dignity. These things must come from a larger and more profound source; a transcendent source.

Of course, there is only one Source that qualifies.

“So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.”
Genesis 1:27

We are image-bearers of God. This is the primary source of our value and dignity.

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