Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Spider On My Head

As I was leaving the office this evening, I closed the door behind me and sensed a tickly but undesirable feeling of movement in the hair on my head. When I reached up I felt something which I quickly pulled from my hair and threw to the ground.

It was a spider!

I stomped on the spider and honestly felt creeped out by the experience. I don’t like spiders. I have no idea if this spider was harmless or not but it still bothered me. And, frankly, even if he was harmless he had no business messing around in my hair. Right? (Come on! It’s as if he had no understanding of the concept of “personal space.”)

As a result of this unpleasantness I have had the feeling, all evening, that something is in my hair or on my neck. All night, I’ve been reaching up and scratching, swiping, slapping at the spiders and bugs that are, of course, only crawling around in my fertile imagination.

If, however, I wake up tomorrow morning with amazing spider-like powers I will be forced to admit my spider experience has been pretty cool, after all.

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