Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's Getting Fun Around Our House

Our dog, Jasper, is making adjustments to our new puppy, Lucy.

Although he does sniff her a little bit here and there, just to verify whatever it is his sniffing verifies, for the most part he tries to ignore her.

The problem for Jasper, however, is that puppies have a lot of energy, a lot of curiosity and a tremendous desire to engage their older dog-brothers in playing.  I know, intellectually, that dogs don’t sigh and roll their eyes.  In fact, I’m pretty sure a dog-whisperer once told me, “Dan, always remember that dogs don’t sigh and roll their eyes.”

(Okay, it’s possible I am imagining my dog-whisperer conversation.)

I’m telling you, though, I’m almost positive I saw Jasper sigh and roll his eyes when Lucy tried to get him to run around in the snow with her.  And then he looked at me and his eyes said, “Really?”

The imaginary dog-whisperer told me dogs don’t say “Really?” either.  But can we really trust a guy who goes around whispering with dogs all day long?

Earlier today, Lucy discovered that Jasper’s tail is fun to play with.  Puppies have teeth that are like sharp little pins.  As you may have guessed by now, Lucy bit into Jasper’s tail with her sharp little pin teeth.  It was very evident that Jasper felt this bite and he gave her a clear indication that “he don’t play that game!”

He didn’t bite her or anything like that.  She’s okay.  But he got her attention.  (Large dogs are pretty good at getting anyone’s attention if they need to.)

As I said, adjustments are being made but, as you can tell, it’s getting very fun around our house.

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