Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Resurrection? Come On! You're Kidding, Right?

There's no point in trying to argue about the resurrection of Jesus.  After all, as I read on a web site recently, "We know from all our experience of the world that men don't rise from the dead."

But this sure is strange: Billions of people over the past couple of thousand years have been well aware of the fact that men don't rise from the dead—this fact has not escaped their attention—and yet they put their faith and trust in Jesus and they embrace the truth of the resurrection of Christ.  To say that all of these people are just plain dumb and gullible is not a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon, although I realize that will be the default explanation for some.

I think it's likely that many of these believers would simply say, "I have experienced the truth of Jesus Christ alive in me and I know this reality to be true!"

So, we continue to proclaim the truth of Easter:  "He's alive!"

You're allowed to doubt, of course.  God gives us that option.  But when you see Jesus, someday, it will be a profound moment of clarification.

I believe that He is alive!

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