Thursday, February 25, 2010

Push Up Project, Day 11

My friend Raiye asked me, “So, how’s that push-up thing going?”

Here’s what I did today: 

2 sets of 14 reps; 2 sets of 12 reps; 1 set of 9 reps. 
All done less than a minute apart.

(Why an odd number like “9”, you ask?  …Because at that point, I couldn’t do anymore!)

Then, later in the day, 2 sets of 25 push-ups.

DIAMOND PUSH-UPS (this is a push-up with the fingers of the hands on the floor pointing inward and the hands close together—it really works the triceps…and it gives your hair a natural bounce with a lovely flowing luster).
1 set of 15 reps; 2 sets of 14 reps.

You say, “Hey Dan, I just counted, that’s only 168 total push-ups for the whole day!  That’s a long way from being able to do 100 push-ups, non-stop!”

I know, but I have to work my way up gradually, so I don’t get injured.  That’s why the whole process is going to take 75 days, remember?  Two days ago, on Tuesday, after I finished doing the push ups I had a weird buzzing sensation in my arm and then my arm felt a little bit numb.  This episode happened for, like, 3 or 4 seconds.  It reminded me that I was either having a heart attack, or, that I need to be careful how I approach this.

By the way, after that episode I woke up very groggy in a ditch on the other side of town.  Is that a bad sign?  Hmm, I’ll run that question past a trained professional.

I did some other exercises, also…but I won’t bore you with the whole routine.  Oh…I also did my Bible reading for today.  That doesn’t help much with the push-ups, but it keeps my “spiritual abs” rock hard!

This picture of a guitar
has absolutely nothing to do
with the story, but it's 
getting late and it's the only
picture I could find on
short notice.

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