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This blog contains comments and teaching regarding living the Christian faith and comments on the intersection of faith and many other aspects of life from pop culture to science. It also has some stories--hopefully they are amusing stories--from my life. ~Dan
Thursday, March 31, 2011
E-Flash From Dan - Easter Invitation
Dear E-Flash Friends;
Easter is coming! And we will be joyfully celebrating the good news and the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!
Soon our large mailing will be going out to invite people in our community to our 3 Easter services, Sat. 4/23/11 at 5pm and Sun. 4/24/11 at 9 or 11am. To all those who helped us prepare the Easter mailing again this year, thank you!!! The job is literally way too large (45,000 pieces, gulp!) for us to do without the help of many. We truly appreciate your assistance. And, now, God likes you just a teeny little bit more.
(That last line is theologically incorrect, and I’m just kidding. But I am glad to those who helped.)
This year we would also like to ask you to consider doing something new. Aw, come on, it’s fun to try something new, isn’t it? Would you, possibly, be willing to send a link to our “Video Easter Invitation” to people on your e-mail list who live in the Chicago area?
Yes, we actually have a “video” invitation, this year. (This is the kind of dangerous thing that happens when I get a camcorder.)
If you have some folks in the Chicago area on your e-mail list and you would be willing to send the video invitation, simply copy and paste the link on the line below to an e-mail message and send it out.
Here is the link:
Of course, the most effective invitation is probably still the good, old fashioned, face-to-face invite of one person to another. I hope we will all think and pray about the matter. And then as God lays people on our hearts, I hope we will respond by inviting. The interesting reality is that people who might not go to church at any other time are liable to go to church on Easter!
Thanks for your time, hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Love and blessings,
Taking Some Risks?
When our faith is acted upon, we engage in a combination of belief and trust that can sometimes seem risky to us. That’s why those of us who want to live a vibrant, purposeful, difference-making life of faith have to be willing to take what might seem like “a few risks” when we follow Jesus.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Love Is Not Easy
Some people believe that true love is nonsense…and they don’t believe in nonsense. Love is not nonsense it is real. But it is true that love isn’t easy. It requires us to GIVE of ourselves in significant and challenging ways. Understand that some important things in life are not easy but they are still worthwhile. That is the case with love.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It's Important To Think About Good, Helpful, Positive Things
As we get older, for various reasons, it becomes easier & easier to fall into patterns of negativity and cynicism. But scientific research, as well as biblical wisdom, informs us that this is not desirable or healthy. “…Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil.4:8
Monday, March 28, 2011
Pointing Our Children Toward God
Some suggest that if you love your children, you will not attempt to instruct them in matters of morality or point them toward faith in God. This suggestion, however, seems to assume that God is not real. Because if He is real—and I believe He is—then one of the MOST loving things we can do is teach them “right” from “wrong” point them to God.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bring The Matter To God In Prayer
Worrying about a matter is totally unconstructive. If some kind of constructive action can be taken, then take it. But it’s also important to bring the matter to God in prayer. Allow the knowledge that the “God-who-loves-you-perfectly” is now involved to bring you strength and peace. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil.4:7
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Reading Others
Generally, in less than 200 milliseconds, we can analyze a facial expression and “determine a person’s true emotional state”. [Brown & Fenske] Wow, God has given us a great capacity for communicating with others, and connecting with others. It’s almost as if He really wants us to love each other deeply, or something, huh? [My facial expression is smiling right now.]
Reading Others
Generally, in less than 200 milliseconds, we can analyze a facial expression and “determine a person’s true emotional state”. [Brown & Fenske] Wow, God has given us a great capacity for communicating with others, and connecting with others. It’s almost as if He really wants us to love each other deeply, or something, huh? [My facial expression is smiling right now.]
Friday, March 25, 2011
When Jesus Has Spoken...
When the Bible tells us that Jesus is the “head” of the church one of the things that means is that a church should not knowingly, willfully disregard or contradict the direct teachings of Jesus. In a true Christian church there are some issues that are not “up for a vote” because The Head of the church has already spoken on the matter.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
We Are Here On Purpose
Each one of us is a totally unique, one-of-a-kind creation of God. We were made by Him lovingly and carefully and INTENTIONALLY. We are not accidents or the result of random chance. The all-knowing, Lord God, the Supreme being, who stands over and above all things, put you here ON PURPOSE.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Is This A Game We're Playing?
There was a cute little boy sitting in a high chair at the table next to mine. He was probably about a year old. (I’m not good at estimating the age of children but he definitely was not a new born infant because he was able to sit up in the high chair all by himself and he was definitely younger than 12 because there’s no way I could picture him at a jr. high event. So, I’m going to use my irrefutable powers of logic to determine that he was about 1 year old.)

Napkins on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.
Bottle on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.
Grandpa’s cell phone on the floor.
Raised eyebrows.
The little boy was with his grandparents and I think his grandpa was getting a little tired of picking things up off the floor because grandpa started watching me out of the corner of his eye to see if I was instigating these activities with the little boy.
I wasn’t! I was just an innocent bystander. But grandpa was definitely keeping a peripheral eye on me.
When they finally got up to leave, grandpa walked past my table carrying the little boy and as they passed by, one of my books fell off the table onto the floor. I looked at the book on the floor with surprise.
Hold on, I thought. Did grandpa do that?!? Did he just knock my book off the table? Was he making me pick my book up off the floor because he thought I instigated the game with his little grandson and he was giving me a taste of my own medicine? I don’t know. It was probably a complete coincidence. Yes, of course, what am I thinking? It had to be a coincidence.
But as they walked out the door, I’m reasonably certain that I saw grandpa, grandma, and the little boy dancing around and high-fiving each other.
The Greatest Thing Is Knowing Christ
Here’s what the Apostle Paul considered to be the greatest thing in life: “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him.” Phil.3:8&9(a). Interesting, huh? What is the importance & value of “knowing Christ” to you?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
God's Love Is Wide, Long, High and Deep
Here’s some good news: Someone loves you so much that it is impossible to fully comprehend. “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Eph.3:17-19
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Shift In Our Thinking Will Occur
Somewhere along the way, in life, a significant shift in our thinking occurs. The shift works like this: instead of thinking of life as how far we are from birth, we gradually begin to think of life as how far we are from the end. As that shift has been occurring for me, I think of this old saying more often: “Only one life twill soon be passed…only what’s done for Christ will last.” –Author Unknown.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
When We Love People We Give Them Room
It’s not uncommon that we want people to fit into a certain mold and do things a certain way because to our thinking: “this is the way that you do it.” When we really love someone, however, we give them room to explore and learn and try some new ways; and to do things in ways that are different than we do them.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Peace In Times of Trouble
There are times when a troubling or difficult situation comes along and the follower of Christ feels calm and confident—this is not a denial of reality but it’s a sense of peace in spite of the trouble. Perhaps this doesn’t happen every time, but it does happen. When it does happen, it is a work of the Holy Spirit and it is an authentication of the genuine presence of God in our lives.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Be Willing To Give Love Time
Love requires time. We do not love people in a hurry. Some aspects of love are similar to exploration and investigation and they don’t tend to be done well when they’re rushed through quickly. Be willing to give love time.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I'm Puzzled When People Are Indifferent To Jesus
For me, the most puzzling reaction to Jesus is not anger or astonishment or even rejection. The most puzzling reaction is indifference. I’m surprised when people try to choose to just ignore Him. I want to say to them, “Why would you ignore someone who loves YOU so much?” “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom.5:8
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Loving People Who Are Different Than Us
It can be difficult to love and accept people who are very different than us. But God’s work in us will help us to love people we would have never loved without Him. God’s love is wide and generous and comprehensive and powerful.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Time Alone With God
In the Bible, we find that there were times when Jesus would move away from the crowds and the demands of ministry and He would go to solitary places to spend quiet time praying. Jesus needed and wanted times to rest and recharge. He desired time alone with the Father. This is an excellent example for us. We need those times alone with God, too.
Monday, March 14, 2011
True Forgiveness Is Potent!
When a person humbly asks for forgiveness and the other person graciously offers forgiveness, then a bond between those two persons is created or an existing bond is strengthened. This can, obviously, have profound positive consequences for these two primary parties, but the positive consequences can also extend to others, as well. True forgiveness is a potent thing.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
God Wants Honest Prayers
Someone asked me recently, “Dan, what would be an example of a bad prayer?” His feeling was: Anytime someone prays, that’s a good thing, right? In general, that’s true. But I think we could say that a “dishonest” prayer would be a bad one. God always wants us to come to Him in complete honesty. Don’t worry, He can handle it. He knows the truth, anyhow, right?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Let's Pray For Those Who Have Been Devastated
Our understanding of things is limited. So we can become frustrated, puzzled, and even angry at certain events in our world. It is okay to experience those feelings and to express those feelings to God. And while we’re expressing our feelings it would be reasonable to ask Him to give comfort and assistance to those who have been devastated.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
E-Flash From Dan -- Switch To Daylight Saving Time This Weekend
Dear E-Flash Friends;
On Wednesday night at the worship team rehearsal, Diane said to the group, “Hey everyone, don’t forget to set your clocks one hour ahead on Saturday night!”
When she said those words many folks responded saying, “Ohhh, really?” Others glanced at each other with bewildered looks on their faces. Several folks said, “Is that this weekend?!?” And I quickly recognized that there was quite a bit of surprise regarding the matter. It helped that 5 or 6 people actually said, “We’re quite surprised about this matter.” (As you can see, I’m gifted at picking up on subtle clues.)
At that moment my mission became crystallized in my mind…
“Dan,” I thought to myself, “you better go, right after this practice is over, and send an E-Flash to communicate with everyone very clearly that we change to Daylight Saving Time this weekend!” (Saturday, March 12th.) Unfortunately, my internal voice always puts me to sleep. So, I was out cold for a couple of hours and when I awoke, I forgot about the whole matter.
…And everyone was gone.
But I just remembered my important mission a few minutes ago and rather than remind myself with my internal voice (I can’t afford to fall prey to that sleep thing again). I’ve come right here to the computer to type out this note.
Here’s my important message: This weekend we switch to Daylight Saving Time. That means we need to set our clocks AHEAD one hour on Saturday, March 12th!
Actually, I’m setting my alarm clock ahead tonight (Thursday) just to be extra cautious. I like to play it safe.
So, don’t forget: Set the clocks one hour ahead on Saturday!
Uh oh, there goes that internal voice again. I’m starting to get drowsy… very drowsy…
See you Sunday!
Love and blessings,
P.S. Title of the message this weekend: “How Are People Saved?” This might be the perfect Sunday for someone you know! Why not take a risk and make an invite?
P.P.S. We’ll be celebrating Communion on Sunday, too. It’s going to be a wonderful, encouraging, inspiring, God-honoring day!
Love Is Hopeful
Love is hopeful. This doesn’t mean that love has to be characterized by an unwillingness to accept reality for what it is. The person who loves doesn’t have to have his head in the sand. But it does mean that cynicism and pessimism are not characteristic of love. Love “always hopes”. [See, 1 Cor.13:7]
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
One of the worst problems we can have is to live in a state of denial about the problems we have.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Keeping God's Commandments And Loving Others
Real love gives honor to God and it gives consideration to others in such significant, tangible and practical ways that all of God’s commandments will be maintained if we will genuinely love God and love others….at least, that’s what Jesus says. Really. Take a moment to read Matt. 22:34-40. Hope you have a blessed day!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Local News Publication Does Piece On Church Signs
The church that I pastor is mentioned and I am quoted in the article connected to the link below:
Click Here To Read!
Click Here To Read!
Eunice's Surgery Prep
While stepping into the room where the patient was supposed to be getting prepped for surgery, I noticed that it was strangely quiet. That’s when I suspected that I might be entering the wrong room.
Oops. I was right. It was the wrong room. But the burly man changing into a hospital gown laughed and said, “I’ve got nothing to hide!”
Actually, he did. But that’s another story for another day…
Then I found Eunice’s room. I could hear noise, laughter, talking, and a pre-surgical party atmosphere. Yep, now I’m in the right place.
After an hour or more of frivolity, we gathered together around her bed, held hands, and prayed. Then it was just about time for Eunice to be taken to surgery, so, each person gave her a hug. When my turn came, she pulled me in close and whispered so that the others couldn’t hear, “Dan, please, please, if you love me, please do something for me.”
Touching her cheek, gently, I said, “Of course, Eunice. Anything. What do you want me to do? If I can do it, you know that I will.”
The effects of sedatives were making her drowsy, but taking a deep breath and mustering one last burst of the world-famous Eunice energy, she looked at me and said, “Can you please take a couple of pictures of me in this big, silver hospital cap and post them on line?”
“Of course I can,” I told her.
She squeezed my hand and smiled. “It would make me happy.”
Yep. Of course I can.
P.S. Eunice may forget that she asked me to post these pictures on line after she comes out of surgery. This type of thing happens. The doctor had pulled me aside and said, “Dan, amnesia regarding pre-surgical, big-silver-hospital-hat picture requests is quite common.”
“I understand, doctor,” I replied. “I understand.”
And we both chuckled.
We Can't "Work" God Like A Formula...So Let's Not Try
Sometimes we find ourselves wanting to work God’s promises to produce the results we desire. Do this, do that, believe real hard, and “voila”, we get what we want. But we will usually find that to be a frustrating experience. It’s not that God is untrue to His word or that He is capricious. It’s just that we can’t “work” God because He is NOT a formula & because His ways truly are beyond our ways.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A Day of Spiritual Victory!
When people choose to be baptized, they are responding in obedience to the teaching of God’s word and they are publicly proclaiming that Jesus Christ is their Savior and Lord. This is spiritual victory. And, so, we celebrate!!! Today is one of those days of celebration at our church. Praise God!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
When Good Things Are Corrupted
Often, the troubles in our lives result from good things being misused and corrupted. “C.S. Lewis believed that everything evil, every temptation, was simply something good God had made that had been bent or warped away from its intended purpose.” – Alan Kent Scholes.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Love Doesn't Necessarily Approve Of Everything A Person Does
There’s an idea in the Christian faith that we can love people without necessarily approving of things that they do. Some people don’t like this, their feeling is: “If you love me, you will love everything about me and everything I do.” This is false. Sometimes REAL love draws lines. Sometimes the fact that you REALLY love me means that you don’t love everything I do.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Let's Notice The Good, The Positive, The Encouraging Things
It is a fact of human nature that we have a tendency to pay more attention to negative thoughts & experiences than positive ones. We can receive 10 wonderful compliments & only 1 negative comment and, yet, the 1 negative comment ruins our whole day. So, let’s make a conscious effort to notice and appreciate the good, helpful, happy, admirable, encouraging, positive things in our lives.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Honoring Each Other?
Sometimes Christians can be a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of “honoring” any person because we think: only GOD deserves honor. But there is a healthy honor we can give to the ones we love that involves respect & an appreciation for their importance in our life. “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Rom.12:10 [NLT]
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Walk In The Light Of God's Truth
In Isaiah 5:20, the prophet talks specifically, about situations in which things get turned upside down. When this happens people will say that evil is good and good is evil. Or dark is light and light is dark. That bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. This is a form of deception and confusion. The solution is to walk in the LIGHT of God’s truth.
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