Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stretching At A Fast Food Joint

While Rachel and I were having lunch I looked over to the other side of the room and noticed that a man was going through an elaborate stretching routine.

This was not a situation in which he stood up and touched his toes a few times, this was two minutes of stretches using his chair and table as exercise equipment.

Please understand I don't think he was doing anything wrong and I suspect there are no laws or civil codes he was violating. However I think it's fair to say that what he was doing qualifies as somewhat unusual behavior. In all my years I have never before seen someone enter into a two minute exercise routine in a fast food restaurant.

At one point the man looked in my direction and noticed I was watching him. He then gave me a very angry look. He looked so mad that I thought he might come over and say something to me. In fact he stood up, adjusted his pants and took a step in my direction.

I thought, "Uh oh, now what's going to happen? This guy looks ticked!"

But fortunately, he didn't come my way. (I was rapidly trying to recall my years of training with Mr Miyagi.)

I'll admit I felt a little bit guilty about staring at him. But hey, firstly, I wasn't the only one looking at him. And secondly, if you launch into something like a yoga routine at a restaurant don't you have to expect that one or two people are going to curiously stare?

Yep, these are the kinds of small diversions that help keep life interesting.

Golfing With Nadia And Vince -- Brief Video

                                       Click here for video!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Called To Be Humble

Over and over again, in the Bible we are called to be humble.  

Some people have the idea that to be humble means that we put ourselves down and that we view ourselves as inept or unskilled.  The idea for some is that the more poorly we think of ourselves, the more humble we are.  But, those are not good and healthy attitudes to have about ourselves and those attitudes do not represent true humility.  

True humility is to see ourselves honestly and to see God honestly.  We can put it this way:  True humility is to honestly understand who we are in light of who God is.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Information And Evidence For God -- Video

This video explains why “information” provides very strong evidence for the existence of God.  If you find it to be interesting and helpful I hope you will consider sharing it.

                                          Click here for video!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Envy Reveals An Incorrect View of Many Things

When we are envious it reveals an incorrect view of God and His care for us.  It also reveals an incorrect view of the person we envy because we don’t fully understand all the realities of this person’s life. 

Finally, it reveals an incorrect view of ourselves because in a state of envy we are making comparisons regarding ourselves and our situation that diminish ourselves in unhelpful, unproductive and incorrect ways.

There are people who benefit from stirring up envy among others.  It is a good idea to avoid these people.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

They Have These Restaurants Called McDonalds

Photo: It's the craziest thing. They have these restaurants called "McDonalds" in Bowling Green, Ky. 

We thought, "What's this all about?"

But we threw caution to the wind and gave it a try. You know, just to see what it was like. What the heck, we're on vacation. Let's be reckless!

I have to say it wasn't too bad. But I don't think it's a business concept that will really catch on.It's the craziest thing. They have these restaurants called "McDonalds" in Bowling Green, Ky.

We thought, "What's this all about?"

But we threw caution to the wind and gave it a try. You know, just to see what it was like. What the heck, we're on vacation. Let's be reckless!

I have to say it wasn't too bad. But I don't think it's a business concept that will really catch on.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

To All The "Regular Guys" Who Are Honored Today

Most of the dads I know think of ourselves as regularly guys.  (Except for those occasional moments when we fantasize about being the winning quarterback at the Superbowl.  But forget about that, for now.)  So we’re not inclined to think of ourselves as persons deserving of honor.  “Honor” seems like it would be a bit too much.

But the Bible tells us to honor our fathers and mothers.  So, today, it’s good for us to honor dads.  In fact, it’s good to honor our dads everyday.

To all the dads:  Thanks!  Your role in your family is important.  Your influence is important.  Your help is important.  Your presence is important.  Your life is important.  I hope you are genuinely loved and appreciated today.

Friday, June 13, 2014

For One Brief Moment At The Taco Bell

Rachel and I were sitting and eating as we enjoyed the ambience that can only be experienced in the cozy loveliness of Taco Bell.  The typical sounds of a busy restaurant could be heard as customers chatted, workers bustled and crispy taco shells crunched.

(Okay, I’m not sure I actually heard tacos crunching but, come on, use your imagination.  It helps the story.)

Suddenly the voice of a little boy could be heard.  It seemed to cut right through the clutter of noise…

“God is great
God is good
Let us thank him
For our lunch.

It wasn’t so much that he was really loud, part of what drew everyone’s attention is that the place grew surprisingly quiet when this happened.  A few folks looked at each other as if to say, “Is he allowed to do this?”

We all heard his little prayer.

I smiled.

For a few seconds all of us folks at the Taco Bell were reminded that a person can talk to God anytime and anywhere.  It was sort of cute and amusing.  But it also felt, very briefly, like a fleeting moment of worship at the Bell.

Then, quickly, the noise resumed.

What I Realized When I Attempted To Let My Faith Go

As a young man in college, it began to occur to me that I may have simply embraced the Christian faith because it was handed down to me by my parents.  I wondered, “Is it possible I think of myself as a Christian because I have been raised in a social context in which there is an expectation that I will accept this belief system?”

“Is it possible I have been brainwashed by sincere, kind, well-meaning people, but what has occurred is, nevertheless, a form of brainwashing?”
I seriously wrestled with the possibility that I may have been attempting to live something which I did not actually own for myself.

So this may sound like a strange way to describe it, but it’s the best way I can put it into words: I gave myself permission to let it go.  In my mind, I gave myself permission to walk away from the faith if it was not what I really believed.

What I discovered in that time of searching, wondering, stretching and questioning is that I am unable to NOT believe in God. The conviction that God exists is undeniable to me.

The Christian faith involves the grace of God in a way that is beyond just an intellectual pursuit.  However, since those college years I have done a considerable amount of reading and study regarding God and the Christian faith and I remain sincerely convinced of its truth. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Offering And Accepting Correction -- Audio Podcast

Proverbs 9:7-9

                                Click here for podcast!

"Hey, Pal! Wake Up!!!"

This morning as I was waking up, music was playing in my ears and I had the sensation of poking on my shoulder.  When I gradually came to consciousness I realized the music I was hearing could be attributed to the headphones I was wearing as my iPod was playing.

Increased consciousness also helped me realize it was not morning and I was not waking up in my bed.  Rather, it was afternoon and I was in the waiting area of an automotive oil change garage.

The poking sensation, however, turned out to be actual poking.  The customer in the chair next to mine was trying to let me know that the cashier was indicating my car was ready to go.

Technically speaking it is not wrong to fall asleep in a waiting area, but it’s still embarrassing if there is any drool involved or if your snoring is louder than the pneumatic tools in the work area.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rachel Catches The Bouquet

Nadia and I were standing by the photo booth at Ben and Sam’s wedding reception when I heard cheers, laughter and applause coming from the dance floor.

I turned around in time to see a group of young women surrounding Rachel.

Someone said to me, “Rachel caught the bouquet!”

Rachel had a huge smile on her face.  She was overjoyed.

For the rest of the evening wherever Rachel went, the bouquet went with her.  She never let it out of her grip.

On the drive home I said to her, “You know, Rachel, the tradition is that whoever catches the bride’s bouquet is the next person to get married.”

She said, “Are you kidding, dad?”

I said, “No, that’s the tradition.  Are you going to be getting married soon?”

She said, “Gross!”

Rachel slept with the bouquet right by her bed.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Our Souls Need Silence and Solitude

The relentless stimulation to which we are exposed along with our exhaustive busyness have an effect on the condition of our souls.  I know this is true for me.  On more than a few occasions, I have found that when I do have time to simply relax it is hard for me to do so.  My mind won’t turn off and I crave the stimulation and busyness from which I say I desire escape.  When I actually do have some free time my soul can feel uneasy and fragmented.

We can grow distant from God in the course of our relentless hurry because He does not force Himself on us.

In his insightful way, Dallas Willard writes, “God will, generally speaking, not compete for our attention.  If we will not withdraw from the things that obsess and exhaust us into solitude and silence, He will usually leave us to our own devices.  He calls us to ‘be still and know.’”

Silence, solitude and even rest are spiritual disciplines.  It’s helpful for us to gradually learn to practice these disciplines because the soul transformation we desire does not adequately happen in the midst of endless rushing.

(Please know that I’m admonishing myself with this post.)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What's Coming Sunday 6/8/14 with Dan and Vic? -- Audio Podcast

                                     Click here for podcast!

God's Boundaries Are For Our Own Good

Some people assume that God creates boundaries and calls us to live holy lives because He hates to see anyone experience pleasure.  

“God just wants to ruin all of my fun!” is how this thinking goes.  

But the truth is that God has established boundaries for our own good.  He does this because He loves us and does not want us to get hurt.  The fact that we may not see it this way does not change the truth of the matter.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Wisdom of Hard Work -- Audio Podcast

Proverbs 6:6-11

                        Click here for podcast!

Fine-Tuning Indicates Something Important About Human Life

The vast size and intricacy of the universe does not diminish the importance of life here on earth.  Actually, the fact that our incredible universe is precisely fine-tuned in such a way as to permit life here on earth indicates something quite meaningful and important about life on earth. 

“That the entire universe should thus be so designed as to culminate in man as its most marvelous creation is highly suggestive of some special care of the Creator for human creatures in particular.” William Lane Craig

Monday, June 2, 2014

Real Love Humbly Speaks The Truth

When you love someone it does not mean that you approve of everything they do. In fact, it is unloving to assure people that they are doing something right when, actually, they are doing something wrong. Doing wrong hurts the person who is doing wrong, even if he/she doesn’t acknowledge it. One of the ways that we attempt to protect those that we love is to humbly speak the truth.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lucy Is Being Sneaky

Lucy jumped onto the bed in a sneaky way with something in her mouth.  At first, I could not tell what she was holding. 

She very quickly scratched and dug and hid her contraband under a pillow.  Then she gave me an innocent look as if to suggest everything was normal.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

She cocked her head and the look on her face said, “Nothing.  What are you talking about?”

So, I pulled back the covers to find a pair of Rachel’s socks that Lucy had taken out of the dirty clothes hamper and hidden under my pillow.

“What’s this?” I asked, holding up the socks.

No response.

You see what’s happening, don’t you?  Sure.  Now we enter the phase where Lucy masters the art of looking perfectly innocent while she has illegal stashes secretly hidden all throughout the house.
